• The Ultimate Goal

    We are manufacturing products with world class quality.
    ISO9001 certified company

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    Incorporated in the year 2012, VERTO Power Pvt. Ltd., has consolidated its position in the power generation and transformer industry as a manufacturer of wide range of special application transformers which conforms to the quality expectation of both domestic and international markets.

    Accredited ISO-9001-2008 from NABCB, the company today is proud of have designed and manufactured more than 4500 Transformers, which are in use in various State Electricity Boards and other priority sectors such as Private Electricity supply Companies, Steel Plants, Hydel Power Projects, Windmill Plants, Textile units, Oil Units etc both in India & abroad.

    Each of our transformers undergo various examinations at different stages of production and are tested for all routine tests conforming to IS-2026 (Equivalent to IEC-60076).

    Regular Quality Checks ensure that each VERTO Power transformer builds enormous goodwill for the company. Our transformers up to and including 31.5 MVA 220kV class , 60MVA, 132/66 kV class are successfully type tested at national Accredited laboratories like E.R.D.A, Baroda and C.P.R.I(Bhopal, Bangalore).

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      Power Transformer

      Transformer with rating 5MVA and above 33kV voltage class is normally known as Power Transformers and is installed in Substations with various protective devices.

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      Distribution Transformers

      Smaller ratings upto 5 MVA and Voltage range upto 33 KV. Normally connected to Power Transformer Grid lines to distribute to load centers.

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      Dry Type Transformers

      Dry type transformers are preferred to oil cooled transformer, in place where there is fire hazards e.g. thickly dense area like Big-Store, Multistory Building, theatres etc.

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